Sunday, May 22, 2011

British National Formulary 61 - March 2011 Edition

This essential reference provides up-to-date, practical guidance on prescribing, dispensing, and administering medicines.

The BNF evaluates clinical evidence from diverse sources with information validated by a network of clinical experts and published under the authority of a Joint Formulary Committee. The BNF reflects current best practice as well as legal and professional guidelines relating to the uses of medicines.


Guidance on the drug management of common conditions

Details of medicines prescribed within the UK with special reference to their uses, cautions, contra-indications, side-effects, doses and relative costs

Guidance on prescribing, monitoring, dispensing and adminstering medicines
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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Usmle Step1 Webprep From Kaplan - Pharmacology

Pharmacology portion of Kaplan USMLE Step 1.

WebPrep is the perfect fit for students interested in reinforcing their knowledge of Step 1 topics and concepts. You’ll benefit from prepping with the highest-yield USMLE Step 1 content available. Realistic practice questions will reinforce your understanding of key concepts.

Real Media audio format and notes in microsoft word format.

Topics and Runtime in minutes

General Principles

Signalling Mechanisms — 24:43


Anatomy of ANS — 16:24

Blood Pressure Control Mechanisms — 08:46

Cholinergic Receptors — 13:09

M&N cholinoceptor locations & results of mechanisms — 14:07

Cholinomimetics — 19:05

Cholinergic Receptors Antagonists — 24:11

Adrenergic Receptors — 16:56

Alpha & Beta Adrenoceptors — 43:11

Adrenergic Receptors Antagonists — 20:14

Cardiovascular & Renal

Antiarrhymic Drugs — 40:40

Angiotensin System & Drugs — 10:15

Heart Failure — 30:19

Angina Drugs — 16:17

Diuretics — 29:28

Diuretics Pt. II — 17:50

Antihyperlidpidemics — 12:15

Central Nervous System

CNS Neurotransmitters & Drugs — 19:45

Anticonvulsants — 22:54

Dopamine, Parkinsonism, Schizophrenia — 42:54

Dopamine, Parkinsonism, Schizophrenia (Pt. II) — 36:28

Antinflammatory Drugs

NSAIDs & Antiinflammatory Drugs — 32:18

NSAIDs & Antiinflammatory Drugs (Pt. II) — 29:01

NSAIDs & Antiinflammatory Drugs (Pt. III) — 17:00


Anticoagulants/Blood Disorders — 38:07

Oral Hypoglycemics/Drugs for Osteoporosis — 21:28

Toxic Syndromes

Toxic Syndromes/Antidotes — 18:30
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(Combine both parts using WINRAR Program – No Password)
Notes in Microsoft word format

Handbook of Drugs in Intensive Care: An A - Z Guide - 2010 Edition

The fourth edition of this compact, practical pocketbook provides easy access for the reader with an A-Z listing of every drug and accompanying advice on its correct administration and potential adverse effects. It is an invaluable resource for all healthcare professionals working in the intensive care setting.

Numerous treatment options are available to intensive care staff; this requires detailed knowledge of routes of administration and contra-indications to use in certain clinical conditions. Now in its fourth edition, this concise, practical handbook to drugs and prescribing for intensive care gives up-to-date advice on established drugs as well as providing advice on those recently approved. The book is divided into two sections: an A-Z guide to many of the drugs available, with concise information on each drug, including uses, limitations, administration directions and adverse effects. The second section contains topics relevant to the critically ill patients, including factors that may affect drug prescribing and management of medical emergencies. There is also a key data section showing weight conversions, BMI and corresponding dosage calculations, and an invaluable chart indicating drug compatibility for IV administration. This is an invaluable resource for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists caring for critically ill patients.
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Statins: Indications and Uses, Safety and Modes of Action

This book focuses on statins which are a relatively new group of drugs used to lower blood cholesterol levels. A high cholesterol level increases a person’s risk of having a heart attack or stroke. The long-term use of statins reduces the risk of such an event and can increase the life expectancy of people with a history of heart disease. The statins work by blocking an enzyme in the body that is involved in the production of LDL cholesterol, especially in the liver. This enzyme is known as HMG coenzyme A reductase. The statins are the most effective group of drugs for lowering the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body. Potential side-effects include muscle cramps and gastrointestinal upsets. These are usually resolved on temporarily lowering the dose. Liver enzyme derangements may occur, which generally return to normal after briefly discontinuing the drug. Some report headaches. Other side-effects occur rarely.
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Drugs and Pregnancy: A Handbook

This practical handbook will assist the physician and nurse prescriber in understanding the effects of drug exposure during pregnancy. Numerous tables and boxes provide information on drug classifications and regimens, as well as highlighting adverse effects and TERIS and FDA risk ratings. Sources of further information are provided where appropriate, and full references are available on the book’s website The book provides detailed guidelines on prescribing drugs in all classes, and for a wide variety of diseases and disorders, during pregnancy. Opening with a helpful analysis of potential risks and benefits of prescribing in pregnancy, the book moves on to consider the implications of both medications for pre-existing conditions and those that develop during pregnancy, including antimicrobials, drugs for cardiovascular disease, asthma and endocrine disorders, antineoplastic agents, skin preparations, epilepsy treatments and psychiatric drugs. Invaluable guidance on anesthetic administration and the use of pain relieving medication during pregnancy and labor, and helpful advice on the possible side-effects associated with over-the-counter preparations such as cold and ‘flu remedies, antihistamines and nutritional supplements is also provided.
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Clinical Pharmacology: Current Topics and Case Studies

Today we witness an eventful time in which the powerful new forces of genomics, information technology and economics are rapidly changing the science and art of medicine. This will require more specialization than ever before. However, there is also an increasing demand for an integrated approach, which is provided by the discipline of Clinical Pharmacology (CP). CP pursues a scientific goal by studying drug action in patients and volunteers, a clinical goal by administering appropriate drug therapy and a regulatory goal by assessing the risk/benefit ratio of drug candidates in drug development and reimbursement. This introduction to current topics of CP covers traditional topics of clinical drug research and trial methodology but also provides insight in current topics like genomics, imaging technology and issues in drug reimbursement. A number of concrete case studies in clinical drug research and development help to give a better understanding of the general principles of CP.
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Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference

This book provides reliable, unbiased and evaluated information on drugs and medicines used throughout the world. Each new drug licensed for use has its own potential benefits and adverse effects, and its own profile for dosage, administration and indications. Furthermore, manufacturers make regular changes to existing drug names and formulations, which can affect their interactions and safe usage. Health professionals require the correct answers and need to have confidence in the drugs information they use – but with medicines evolving at this rate, how can they be sure their knowledge is up to date? “Martindale” contains up to date information about more than 5,800 substances. Each and every entry is reviewed by our pharmaceutical editors to ensure health professionals have the most current data. Formulations change. Definitions change. Names change. But you can always trust “Martindale”.
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Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology 159


Philip C. Sharpe, Rosemary S. Harrison, and David P. Fairlie: Amyloid Peptides and Proteins in Review. – Marilena Kampa, Artemissia-Phoebe Nifli, George Notas, Elias Castanas: Polyphenols and Cancer Cell Growth. – Michal Janitz: Assigning Functions to Genes ‘ The Main Challenge of the Post-Genomic Era. – Brigittte M. Jockusch, Kai Murk and Martin Rothkegel: The Profile of Profilins.
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Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy

This primary textbook for a first course in pharmacology offers an integrated, systems-based, and mechanism-based approach to understanding drug therapy. Each chapter focuses on a target organ system, begins with a clinical case, and incorporates cell biology, biochemistry, physiology, and pathophysiology to explain how and why different drug classes are effective for diseases in that organ system.

Over 400 two-color illustrations show molecular, cellular, biochemical, and pathophysiologic processes underlying diseases and depict targets of drug therapy. Each Second Edition chapter includes a drug summary table presenting mechanism, clinical applications, adverse effects, contraindications, and therapeutic considerations. New chapters explain how drugs produce adverse effects and describe the life cycle of drug development.
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Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology Examination and Board Review, Ninth Edition (McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review) - 2010 Edition

The most trusted and efficient pharmacology review – complete with 1000+ Q&As — and now in full color


“The authors have designed this book to foster the mastery of pharmacology for students who have to pass course, module, or certification examinations….This is one of the best review books in pharmacology. The latest version is far superior, both in content and presentation, to previous versions. I give it my highest recommendation.”–Doody’s Review Service

From the authors of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, the leading pharmacology textbook, here is the newest edition of the best review book available for medical pharmacology course exams and board examinations. This skill-building guide comes with over 1000 review questions and answers –- far more than most other pharmacology reviews –- and a chapter-based approach that facilitates use with course notes or larger texts.


* A new full-color presentation

* Organized to reflect course syllabi, focusing on the clinical use and pharmacology of drug categories, rather than individual drugs

* Two complete practice exams

* A valuable appendix of test-taking strategies

* Chapters that include valuable learning aids such as:

–Short discussion of the major concepts that underlie basic principles or drug groups

–Explanatory figures and tables

–Review questions followed by answers and explanations

–Drug Trees in drug-oriented chapters that visually organize drug groups

–A list of high-yield terms and definitions you need to know

* Skill Keeper questions that prompt you to review previous material to understand links between related topics

* A checklist of tasks you should be able to do, once you have finished the chapter

* Summary Tables that list the important drugs and include key information about their mechanisms of action, effects, clinical uses, pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, and toxicities
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Handbook of Clinical Drug Data

This classic, authoritative guide to the clinical use of drugs is the superior source of evaluative and comparative information on over 1,200 drugs in common use. Written by 36 top clinicians and edited by three leading drug information specialists, it is the highest quality and most clinically useful drug handbook available. Part 1, Drug Monographs, covers 10 major drug categories, subdivided into therapeutic groups for easy comparison. Unique tables provide data for choosing the optimal drug for specific patients. Part 2, Clinical Drug Data, has everything healthcare professionals need to determine the likelihood of adverse drug reactions and interactions in their patients. Selection of drug therapy for special patient populations is made easy by several comprehensive chapters.

Unique Features

* Comprehensive comparison charts of drugs by class for easy clinical decision making

* Tables that help rapidly identify the cause of adverse drug effects in your patients

* Guides to the optimal choice of drugs in special populations, such as pregnant and breastfeeding women, renal disease, and dialysis

* The only referenced drug handbook–includes over 3,600 literature citations

* Tabbing guide for easy location of drug categories

* Extensive cross-referenced index that includes Canadian and British drug names
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Friday, May 20, 2011

Ferri’s Color Atlas and Text of Clinical Medicine: Expert Consult

Bestselling author Fred F. Ferri, MD, FACP-known for his succinct, at-a-glance guidance in clinical decision making-offers a one-of-a-kind approach to the diagnosis of virtually every condition encountered in daily practice. Inside this new reference you’ll find nearly 4,000 images-the largest collection of medical images ever assembled in a primary care resource. For each condition examined, the text presents several images from a multiple-modality perspective that together provide a clear picture for obtaining an accurate identification. Differential diagnosis references accompanying each image help you avoid possible misdiagnoses. As an Expert Consult title, this text offers convenient access to the complete contents online, allowing you to perform quick searches, cross reference differential diagnosis references with even greater efficiency, and download all of the images from the book.
* Provides access to the complete contents online, allowing you to perform quick searches, cross reference differential diagnoses with even greater efficiency, and download all of the images from the book.

* Features nearly 4,000 high-quality photographs-complemented by concise explanatory text-to help you quickly identify and diagnose virtually every condition encountered in daily practice.

* Presents several images for each condition correlating various characteristic visual findings.

* Concisely summarizes each condition’s definition, key features, differential diagnosis, therapeutic options, and relevant ICD-9-CM codes.

* Presents differential diagnosis references for each image to help you rule out conditions with a similar presentation.

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Professional Guide to Diagnostic Tests (Professional Guide Series)

This reference is a practical, up-to-the-minute guide to more than 600 diagnostic tests. It focuses on the key information nurses need at the point of care and includes tips, checklists, quick-scan tables, and 500 illustrations. Coverage includes entries on bioterrorism-related tests, C-reactive protein, gene-based HIV testing, DNA cervical cancer testing, tumor markers, brain natriuretic peptide, spiral CT, and the Given GI imaging system. Logos include Alert, summarizing vital information for clinicians, and Age Alert, highlighting pediatric and geriatric concerns.
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Practical Cardiology: Evaluation and Treatment of Common Cardiovascular Disorders 2nd edition

Thoroughly updated to reflect current American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines, this concise yet comprehensive handbook presents practical information on the common cardiovascular problems that clinicians encounter daily. The book provides a user-friendly, authoritative guide to evaluation of common cardiovascular symptoms and evaluation and management of common cardiovascular conditions. Coverage also includes clinical challenges such as management of chronic anticoagulation, assessing and minimizing cardiac risk in noncardiac surgery, and management of the cardiac surgery patient. Numerous tables and algorithms help readers find information quickly and aid in clinical decision-making.
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Handbook of Critical Care Drug Therapy

Prepared by noted critical care experts at the National Institutes of Health and leading medical centers, this handbook is a quick-reference guide to the choice and administration of drugs in critical care. It contains 126 easy-to-scan tables listing drugs of choice for specific clinical situations; dosages, dilutions, and infusion rates; and indications and adverse effects of drugs. Emphasis is on toxicities, compatibilities, and clinical considerations that would guide the choice of drug. This thoroughly updated Third Edition includes many new drugs and has an expanded section on neurologic and psychiatric therapeutics.
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Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis - Zitelli

Your best source for guidance on the visual diagnosis of pediatric disorders now comes to you in print and online! More than 3,400 hundred illustrations-3,000 in full color-capture the full range of gross anatomic signs as well as laboratory and radiologic findings for hundreds of pediatric disorders.

Addresses the entire spectrum of pediatric conditions-from pertinent historical factors and examination techniques to visual and diagnostic methods-providing you with comprehensive coverage for your toughest diagnostic challenges.

Features more than 3,400 practical, clinical photographs to help you identify and diagnose hundreds of pediatric disorders.

Features new, comprehensive coverage of malnutrition, obesity, and trauma to help you identify a wide range of conditions.

Includes expanded information on child abuse and neglect so you can better recognize and manage the signs and symptoms of this sensitive condition.

Presents new coverage in the Genetic Disorders and Dysmorphic Conditions chapter to assist you in diagnosing metabolic diseases more accurately.

Offers online access to the entire searchable contents of the book for quick answers to clinical questions.
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Differential Diagnosis for the Dermatologist

When faced with a challenging dermatologic problem, physicians are often required to do a time-consuming search through large dermatologic texts to find the information on the necessary differential diagnosis. This comprehensive and concise Handbook of Differential Diagnosis for the Dermatologist will shorten this process to a matter of seconds:

Hundreds of dermatologic diagnoses, morphologic features, drug-induced disorders, extracutaneous manifestations, histologic findings, and random other findings are listed in alphabetical order and in a homogenous reader-friendly structure.

The differential diagnosis for each disorder can be found under each diagnosis.
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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Introduction to Histopathology

The primary aim of this book is to provide guidance in the study of histologic slides of the pathology course. For this reason we are following the outlines of the pathology course; the topic is divided into two parts, a general and a special pathology section. The book also presents examples of histologic slides which are part of the pathology course for medical and dental students. We are introducing pathologic entities which are characteristic and should assist in more effective learning of the theoretical part of the course. However, space does not permit the presentation of many important lesions. The explanatory text includes the definition of individual pathologic entities, a brief description of the gross findings followed by an analysis of the m icroscopic changes, sometimes in greater detail than seen on the microphotographs.

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Diagnostic Criteria in Autoimmune Diseases

According to the Autoimmune Diseases Coordinating Committee (ADCC), between 14.7 and 23.5 million people in the USA – up to eight percent of the population are affected by autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are a family of more than 100 chronic, and often disabling, illnesses that develop when underlying defects in the immune system lead the body to attack its own organs, tissues, and cells. In Handbook of Autoimmune Disease, the editors have gathered in a comprehensive handbook a critical review, by renowned experts, of more than 100 autoimmune diseases, divided into two main groups, namely systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases. A contemporary overview of these conditions with special emphasis on diagnosis is presented. Each chapter contains the essential information required by attending physicians as well as bench scientists to understand the definition of a specific autoimmune disease, the diagnostic criteria, and the treatment.
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Surgery: Basic Science and Clinical Evidence

Much anticipated, the Second Edition of Surgery: Basic Science and Clinical Evidence features fully revised and updated information on the evidence-based practice of surgery, including significant new sections on trauma and critical care and the often challenging surgical care of unique populations, including elderly, pediatric, immunocompromised, and obese patients as well as timely new chapters on the pre- and post-operative care of the cardiac surgery patient, intestinal transplantation, surgical infections, the fundamentals of cancer genetics and proteomics. Also new to this edition are discussions of electrosurgical instruments, robotics, imaging modalities, and other emerging technologies influencing the modern practice of surgery. Clinically focused sections in gastrointestinal, vascular, cardiothoracic, transplant, and cancer surgery enable the surgeon to make decisions based upon the most relevant data in modern surgical practice. The text is enhanced by more than 1,000 illustrations and hundreds of the signature evidence-based tables that made the first edition of SURGERY an instant classic.
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Clinical Approach to Infection in the Compromised Host

This highly anticipated fourth edition of a well-regarded resource offers in-depth examinations of the latest developments in the management of infections in the immuno-compromised patient. Addressing the explosion of research information and clinical approaches that have emerged since the publication of the third edition, world-renowned experts maintain and enhance the lucid and accessible presentations that made the previous editions so popular. Covering every important aspect of compromised-host infection, this fourth edition offers several new features, including: discussions on infections that result from hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; the most recent developments in the management and prevention of infection in immunocompromised surgical patients; a detailed discussion of the management of AIDS; up-to-date, critical reviews of the current literature; practical management advice incorporating the latest scientific information; and a variety of perspectives that clarify complex patients care issues faced by the practitioner.
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Practical Emergency Medicine (Arnold Publication)

This is a practical manual that describes the assessment and treatment of conditions encountered in the emergency department. Highly illustrated, it emphasizes the problem-oriented approach central to modern practice. Structured to serve as a quick reference on a wide range of medical and surgical emergencies, summary boxes, key points and practice tips feature throughout. While making it highly accessible, the editors have also ensured that this book provides the trainee with the detailed information that they require.
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